What makes JJJee's Strong Alkaline electrolyzed water unique?
A new generation of strong alkaline electrolyzed water
that solves all the previous issues from the old generation
The pH is stable
JJJee® Strong Alkaline Electrolyzed Water, made with a consistent mineral content, contains potassium ions. Conventional electrolytic water often experiences fluctuations in potassium ion concentration due to the deterioration of components like the electrolytic diaphragm during production. However, our unique production process maintains consistent ion levels in JJJee®. This stability ensures a pH resistant to change, resulting in consistent cleaning power and overall product quality.
Pure, unmixed electrolytic water
During the generation of electrolytic water, potassium carbonate is used as an electrolyte in the electrolysis process. Many alkaline electrolytic waters from other companies achieve high alkalinity by directly mixing the electrolyte potassium carbonate into the water. However, we do not mix any potassium carbonate electrolyte, producing pure alkaline electrolytic water with almost zero impurities, containing only potassium ions. This new technology solved the corrosive problem of the old generation Strong Alkaline Electrolyzed Water.
JJJee®: A Distinct Type of Strong Alkaline Water (pH 12.7+)
JJJee® differs from conventional Alkaline Electrolytic Water, which can be harmful to humans and the environment. It is also incompatible with Ironized Alkaline Water generated by ironized machines for drinking, as the latter is not strong enough to kill most germs or effectively degrease. Furthermore, JJJee® is distinct from strong alkaline water made from chemicals, which is highly corrosive and harmful to humans and aquatic life.
Does not cause environmental pollution
JJJee® can be easily diluted with water in drainage systems or will naturally revert to plain water when exposed to air over time. This characteristic prevents pollution and can help reduce wastewater treatment costs.
Information sourced from the manufacturer in Japan

★ Generates pure alkaline water with only potassium ion
★ Non-corrosive, non-irritant
★ No harmful chemicals
★ Can be used on humans, animals, objects and most surfaces
★ Colorless, odorless
★ Rust prevention
★ pH level is very stable
★ Long shelf life
★ Safe for humans, pets and the environment
The Power of pH12.7+ Alkaline Electrolyzed water
JJJee®, with an alkaline level of pH 12.7 (+/-0.3)*, can be used in various applications, replacing most chemical household and pet products, personal hygiene, pet care, and first-aid products. It is strong enough to clean greasy oil, yet safe and gentle enough to use on humans and pets. It contains no harmful chemical substances, alcohol, or toxic surfactants. It can be quickly neutralized by diluting with water or by exposure to the air, and therefore will not pollute the seabed or harm aquatic life.
*The pH level may vary slightly within +/-0.3 due to temperature. This slight difference in pH levels does not affect the quality or capability of the product.
Achieving Eco-Consciousness and Business Success
The global environment is undergoing a significant transformation. It's undeniable that humanity's actions have severely damaged our planet and disrupted its delicate ecosystems. The pursuit of economic development has come at a steep price, leaving us to question whether we are compromising the future of generations to come. It's time to regenerate our wounded Earth and pass on a healthier planet to our children.
While regulations to protect the environment are being implemented worldwide, the reality on the ground remains concerning. Even in our daily lives, we encounter countless products and practices that harm the environment. The consequences of our actions, such as ozone layer depletion, air pollution, and global warming, are becoming increasingly evident. But have we forgotten about our rivers? It's not uncommon to find them choked with detergent foam, emitting foul odors, and devoid of life. Water, the source of all life, is under threat.
Electrolytic water holds immense potential for environmental regeneration. The technology of water electrolysis could be a crucial tool in our efforts to restore the planet. Environmental responsibility is no longer solely the burden of corporations; it's a shared responsibility that individuals and businesses must embrace. To achieve widespread adoption, sustainable practices must be integrated into profitable business models. "Profit with a purpose" is the key to a sustainable future.
Our expertise in electrolytic water offers indispensable solutions for both the planet and humanity, with vast business opportunities. We are already active in various sectors, including healthcare, industry, food, livestock, and agriculture. However, there's still much more to be done.
We recognize that these challenges cannot be overcome alone. We seek to collaborate with like-minded partners who share our vision of a sustainable future. Whether the Earth is ailing or simply expressing its displeasure, we humans are but a small part of its grand tapestry. If the Earth falters, so too will humanity. It's time to act, not just for the planet but for our own survival.
We are driven by the opportunity to build a business that is essential for humanity. We invite partners who share our passion and commitment to join us on this journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future.
Message from our manufacturer

A better world for our descendants
USA Distributor:
PH+ Cleanee Inc
100 Illinois St
Suite 200-600
St. Charles, IL 60174
Customer Support: hi@totalpetcare.us
Information Center: paws@totalpetcare.us
TEXT MESSAGE: 951-221-3898
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